- File-based config (also thru command line)
- Configuration reloaded at runtime. Ill-configured ones triggers nothing
- (Seems like) bundled with Prometheus to handle sent alerts
- deduplicate, group, route to integrated (further) receiver such as email
- REMEMBER to relaod tmux’s config after modification
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
- Copy from tmux buffer to system buffer
- Type special chars under mac
- Where C headers live: /usr/include
- On OSX, check adapters info:
networksetup -listallhardwareports
- Inspect all enabled daemon by systemctl on ubuntu
systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled
- for ci/cd: docker ce/docker-compose and its dependencies + gitlab & its dependent imgs
- OK, the previous one failed unexpectedly; use Bitbucket instead
- set up vim & vundle
- set up pip & its “dependencies”
- prometheus integration test
- Create sudoer on ubuntu
- consensus/(useful)definition of High Availability (HA)
- Disable the shortcuts in Unity
- Ctrl-r’s companion: ctrl-s