- D3
For connecting basic ML ideas to scikit-learn implementation
So this is ‘Python’: I’ve misinterpreted Python as CPython’s interpretation
- Automatic search context by viewing behaviour? recommend background knowledge?
- stash current job list in chrome ext (since most in chrome tabs?)
- ‘googling’ of pdf words? useful when reading docs
- ‘Behaviour’-based spent time estimator?
- command + option + u to view page source in Mac
- Imitate different network connection speeds
- Constraint-satisfaction task
- Constraint-satisfaction searches
- Strong constraints (problem domains s.a. games or puzzles)
- Weak constraints (problem domains s.a. finding the most plaussible interpretation of an image) – not ‘all-or-none’ criteria
- Perceptual interpretation task
- Hopfield (weight in representing the correlation of a pair of hypotheses, other things equal), for quick catch-up
- Hopfield – for implemented library n some other insights
- Hopfield Network – you man still need to check the original publication Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computationalabilities by J. J. Hopfield in 1982
- Emergent collective computational abilities
- Emergent algorithm – think about ‘fuzzily’ match a sentence to some meaning; think about ‘fuzzily’ match an environment to some finite-dim state
- Delocalized content-addressable memory A general content-addressable memory can retrieve ‘What a good damn’ by sufficient partial info / words such as ‘What damn’; for more advanced ones, it may handle ‘madamn’ like ‘damn’
- Extensive asynchronous parallel processing
- Ising model
- Vim plugins for Web Development
- html auto-completion
cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone " (Add to vimrc) Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim'
- Open ‘em all in tabs
vim f1 f2 :tab all
To iterate the opened tabs
In each tab, you can definitely split new windows
- Open ‘em all in splited windows
I believe that wildcard and some regular expressions should be OK
args f1 f2 f3 | all
- Should IO/Web dominate the highest level of architecture OR should what the product does dominate?
- BCE (boundary controller/interactor entity) model
- And then .com bubbled (BCE was forgotten …); engineers then, sooner or later, forgot BCE
- One of the highest goal: you should be able to test all the business rules without a web server running – more like unit tests
- MVC (not even an architecture) was introduced in the 70s
View ^ ^ / \ Model (accepte View's register & update info to View) with BO1 (bussiness object), BO2 ^ ^-- --------------------^ / / / Controller (accept inputs, like clicks, push corresponding cmds to Model)
- Why would MVC be popular? By Bob, MVC was good; so they used it?!
- Why could MVC be horrible? The complex nested dependencies … Check this
- How about MVP to remove the not-welldefined boundaries? MVP?
I KNOW WEB WTF IS WEB? EDIBLE? || Presenter -------> Boundary <- Interactor -> Entities | \ || | v \ || v View data \-----------------> Response ^ || | || View (module)
- Pros: we can test Presenter, Interactor, Entities without Web; componets on the LHS always have only inward arrows to the RHS – they behave as plugins!
- Bob: Plug it in!
- Source code control systems, such as Git, actually stores transactions (commits) rather than states
- Database is a detail!
- For any details, we’d like to treat ‘em like plugins!
- Bob: A good architecture is one that allows you to defer decisions (decisions about UI/DB/Frameworks; an awesome architect maximize the number of decisions that could be made later
- Challenge: automatic unit/integration/acceptance tests?
- Integration tests: ‘across-entities’ tests, e.g. some function + test DB
- Acceptance tests: app/product-level tests; perhaps Selenium for web app?
- A decent comment, and I quote here, “If you feel it’s not easy to write a unit test, chances are it’s not a unit test at all.”
- TDD: test before implemtation
- BDD: behaviour over implemnetation
- Uncle Bob, Robert C Martin’s talk on Clean Architecture & Design
- Hyper-threading?
- Dreamweaver for quick demo (like ppt)?
- An organization in charging of all web technologies: W3C
- PS?