Distutils (packaging framework since Python3)
- Official guide
- build tool for maintainer
- installation tool for end users
- package metadata for search engines
- integrates with PyPI (Python Package Index) should be as standard (boring) as possible
Put Codes to PyPI: tutorial
- Create private an account on PyPI
- And follow the tutorial
- Perhaps this would be helpful resolving distutils repo url migration problem
- But Errors like “HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Invalid file extension” would follow by using twine upload dist/* – we have to say goodbeye to dist/SOMENAME.exe which is for Windows’ user’s graphical user-friendly installation
- Check
This is how I did it
# Create ~/.pypirc with [distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] repository: username: YOURUSERNAME password: YOURPASSWORD # Python 2.7 in use $ python sdist upload # Annnd you may want to remove ~/.pypirc cauz it's plaintext
Chrome extensions
- An awesome start
- A probably decent pause
- manifest.json
- Content Script
- Background Script
- Messaging from Background Script to Content Script? messaging
- pop-up
Quick debugging in JS codes with Chrome’s dev tool
ignore E501 in flake8
- let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args=’–ignore=E501’
Go last write
- :earlier 1f
An article full of insights and pratical experience
- Quote – “It is important to know when error is caused by bad things in the data rather than caused by improperly fitting to the data”
Damn son! This is so awesome!