Currently we spent $80 on AWS
Bluebird revisit:
- If you pass a promise object to the resolve function, the created promise will follow the state of that promise.
const Promise = require('bluebird'); const aPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // vvv if you wanna resolve // resolve('hello'); reject('world'); }); const bPromise = Promise.resolve(aPromise).catch(function(err){ console.log('So its OOOOO ' + err + ' again?'); }); // Then bPromise should inherit aPromise's state (i.e. rejected) // 'So its OOOOO world again?' should be printed
- Actually, we may make bPromise handle aPromise’s rejection in then like
const bPromise = Promise.resolve(aPromise).then(function(resV){ console.log('This cant happen', resV); }, function(rejV){ console.log('Since its ' + rejV + ' ,you got rejected'); }).catch(function(err){ console.log('For any unexpected err lile', err); }); // Should print 'Since its world ,you got rejected'
- Filtered catch looks more reliable …
- Perhaps the previous one’s rejection handling function in then is a long-term of catch(function(someErr){ .. })? We got supported here
- This is how you chaining Promises’ val in if else branch
If you are wondering why npm install -g SOMEPACKAGE doesnt work on OSX, this might work
What is V8 and how does it work?
- Javascript is a Prototype-inheritance lang
- The most intiguing thing is what happens once the underlying instance has only, say 518 MB, to run javascript code in Node.js – GC by V8 engine just couldn’t help but rest!
Go back to check event loop
Why do let and var behave differently? This is exactly what has confused me for a while …