ಠ_ಠ!!! Prepare for all interviews ...
Currently we spent $53.7 on AWS
Would like to add following rules to modify default (airbnb) eslint linting rules:
- (For double slashes) Every comment starts with either an upper case eng char or some non-alpha char
- (For double slashes) Each comment starts from two spaces after the end of that line’s code (For whole new line – just fit to fit to the previous line)
- (For slash + staretik) I’m figuring it out …
- space + else + space
Deep-search/understand the followings:
- server.timeout (express)
- process.on(‘unhandledRejection’, cb)
- response.json() (express)
- deepGet in lodash?
- in promise: return vs resolve
- Promise states?
Vim folding for js code
Move to ES6