what about a shopping record app?
- as a single housewife/husband or a loser, dont u really want to record any penny u spent
- if the shop cant offer a reciept, what about a short conversation with a built-in sound-recognition module
- anyway, its goal is to record your shopping records (behaviour) and maybe provide u with a more economic way in purchasing stuff
what about a cal recog app?
- img + sound recog to cal recog with combinations of recommendations of restaruant
- a bottle of bubble milk tea contains the the same number of cals equivalent to 2 bows of rice <– how the hell do I know this
feels good man to work from the afternoon
img from cmd
just also came across sth pretty cool
from SC(201407)
- backgrounds
持有稅 <- including 房屋稅 地價稅
移轉睡 <- incurs when purchasing houses of 應繳土地增值稅及契稅
交易所得稅 <- gov, according to assessment of houses' current values, estimates the rev from selling the house to incorporate to 個人所得稅
exp result: 50b NT with less than 1% tax
1. due to short duration of possession, there's no incr on the __current val__; thus, 土增稅 == 0 NT
2. due to 房地分離課稅, the owner only pays 0.3b NT in 房屋交易稅
原廠藥 vs 學名藥
what about 自付差額 <- under the current acts of NHI, it's not permitted (wtf!)
google finance
- Martin Fieldstein & Project Syndicate
- new president: Narendra Modi (with Arun Jaitley & Raghuram Rajan)
- fundamental infra + investiment relaxation
- William H. Gross
- 2000y .com bubble
- population arch
- Raymen Bros.
- 投資收益率
- 積極資本利得
- 信用分析
- New Neutral
- 本益比
- 高登模型
- 高槓桿型經濟體
- 新中興實質利率
- can JAP’S bond prob be resolved by new bonds
- Mark Carney
- 量化寬鬆政策
- 空頭市場
- 信貸緊縮
- 以波動性(賣出)和殖利率曲線中斷為主,而非單純的存續期
- 房地合一課稅
- 房地合一實價課稅 (how about this act in other countries)
- 利空
- what now, the policy?
- 藥價三同(同品質同成份則同藥價)
- 台股
- 台股加權指數
- 強勢話畀
- 熱錢
- 央行刻意壓低NTD漲勢
- 弱勢貨幣對出口大宗電子股最有利
- Quartz.com
- 中國股
- 深圳交易所
- 本益比
- A50 ETF
- 中國工商銀行 建設銀行 農業銀行
- 概念股
- 革勢資本 Tmesis Capital Management