13 Sep 2017

ಠ_ಠ!!! A Daily (supposedly) Note On Programming


what about a waste management app?


  • hard to find a place (public trash can) to drop ur trash when you just migrate to another new place
  • good idea to alarm you when/where to dispose your garbage ?
  • show me the closet free restroom ?

what about a hazard management app?


  • is that route (on Google) signaling hgih rate of car accidents to me ?
  • is it safe to walk on that route for my gf in the midnight ?
  • could these ideas inform me immediately before I jump into them ?

what about a virtual recommender app on hotels?


  • what’s the exact view from the room?
  • a throthrough experience before booking – dont waste any of ur penny

what about a healt recommendation app?


  • r u willing to pay $1 to learn the suggestions from doctors

finance app?


  • if the programatical buy is not yet that powerful … (which is slightly uhlikely)

what about a haircut visualization app?


  • you want to know your new hair cut
  • haircut recommendation without a single supreme barber


how on earth could I launch my service on it – follow this

how on earth could I upgrade to a premium user to employ more machines

may I install docker on it

how about setting up a cluster

how about apply for a domain


how on earth could GPU help in ML?

what about the distributed learning on users’ phones?


how about managing the two corrupted repos?


approach to improve their quality of life?

health check


how to add a new root user

how to prolong the amount of time of a ssh session


installation on ubuntu
